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Empower Yourself

$3,000/6-8 SESSIONS

Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia

Cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia is the gold standard technique that is used to help treat insomnia without the use of medication. This package includes all the sessions that you will need to overcome your insomnia. 


Proactive Lifestyle Coaching

At Proactive Occupational Therapy I give my clients the valuable guidance and support they need in order to find balance in the 4 pillars of health: sleep, diet, exercise, and meditation. Personal Coaching is a great option for everyone, no matter whether you’re working with a Life Coach for the first time or are a seasoned veteran. Schedule a session today and achieve next level results.


Myofascial Release 

Myofascial release is a hands-on technique that involves apply gently sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. Trauma, inflammatory responses, and or other surgical procedures create restrictions in the fascia that can produce tensile pressure of about 2,000 lb/sq inch on pain sensitive structures that do not show in standard tests. 


Self Determination

As a self determination provider, I help my clients develop strong healthy habits by changing their roles habits and routines through my knowledge base as an occupational therapist. Although this is not an OT treatment session, it is OT based using OT techniques. I have helped my clients learn to have fun during exercises and teaching them independent living skills in their natural environment. 

Proactive Occupational Therapy

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